Jill Alperstein - First Grade Teacher - About - McDonogh School

Jill Alperstein, First Grade Teacher

Photographer: Anna Livermore ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I chose my first grade teacher as my inspiration because she made learning so much fun and showed me how powerful a teacher can be. Her kindness and enthusiasm sparked my love for learning and made me want to create the same positive experience for other kids. She was a big part of why I wanted to become a teacher myself!

Why did you choose the subject area that you teach?

First grade is a magical year of development in young children. I love being part of my students' journey as they learn to read, write, and become mathematicians. At this age, kids are so curious and eager to learn. It’s amazing to see them start reading and writing, and their excitement is contagious. What I enjoy most is teaching them about character—like kindness and empathy—alongside their academic skills. Watching them grow into caring students who are thoughtful readers and writers is truly rewarding.

What do you find most rewarding about teaching and working with students?

Watching children understand something for the first time or feel confident in their abilities are the most rewarding parts of teaching. I love spending my days with young children, surrounded by their kindness and curiosity. 

Are there any memorable or impactful moments in your teaching career that stand out to you?
When I first began teaching, I worked with a young boy who didn't always feel successful in school. I recognized his incredible ability to write and illustrate amazing stories. I entered him into a contest, and he won! Seeing him realize his potential was extremely rewarding. Later in life, he published his work and art!

How do you connect with and engage students in the learning process?

I try each day to make children excited about learning and make our lessons fun and engaging. Being silly and making their learning as hands-on and multisensory as possible helps motivate them. I also work hard to get to know my students' interests. 

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

I am passionate about helping others. I have been involved in many fundraisers and bone marrow drives and have helped charitable organizations.  I am also very passionate about character education. 

What do you hope students will take away from your classes or your mentorship?

I hope my students remember how much I loved being their teacher and how they felt when they were in my class. As Maya Angelou said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  I hope this holds true for my students. 

What are some of your favorite books, movies, or quotes that inspire you?

  • Favorite quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  • Favorite book:  The Giving Tree and Wonder 

How do you recharge and find inspiration when you’re not in the classroom?

I love to wake up early and exercise! It clears my mind and gets me ready for a great day. I also love to spend time with my family and friends.