Greatest Good McDonogh
The School’s signature social impact program is designed to cultivate courage, confidence, and character in students so they understand their potential and responsibility to actively engage with their local and global communities. We strive to foster an empathetic community that finds joy and fulfillment in doing the greatest good in the world.
800-Acre Labs
Building on McDonogh’s rich history as a farm school and capitalizing on our abundant natural resources, 800-Acre Labs expand the School’s reach into environmental and agricultural sciences. These efforts are led through two complementary, mutually enriching endeavors: Environmental Sciences and Systems and Roots Farm, our vibrant 10-acre farm that serves as a cornerstone of education about land and natural resources.
Center for Civics and Ethics
McDonogh believes a LifeReady education should teach students to become stewards of the democratic ideals that have set the United States apart for nearly 250 years. Foundational learning about democracy is supplemented with opportunities to study philosophy, political science, ethics, and civil discourse.