McDonogh Court Does Supreme Job - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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McDonogh Court Does Supreme Job

In the McDonogh Supreme Court hearing held Tuesday, April 18, Judge Fred Smalkin’64, University of Baltimore Law School Professor Natalie Ram, and several AP Government students heard arguments concerning the case of The County of Los Angeles v. Angel Mendez. The case was to determine if two deputies should be held liable for the injuries sustained by Mr. Mendez when they entered the shack he was residing in and, after seeing a gun pointed at them, shot Mr. Mendez. The District Court found the officers liable and awarded Mr. Mendez $4.1 million in damages. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld this award. The case was appealed to the “Supreme Court of McDonogh” where students, on both sides of the argument, made their case. After intense presentations by both sides, the “court” ruled 5-4 to affirm the earlier decisions.  

By: Burke P. ’17 and Jeffers I. ‘17