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News & Photos

Class of 2006 Moves to Upper School

Early in the ceremony, two student speakers offered their reflections. Molly H. reminded classmates of where they’d come, Zach S. of where they’re going.

English and drama teacher Jon Aaron then explained the grade-wide memorial service projects that students performed during the year. These projects replaced year-end awards, honoring the memory of Malcolm Carnes, Paul Spies, Elizabeth Flick, Jeffrey Case, and Richard Coblentz.

Later, departing Head of Middle School Rob Gustavson commended students with these words: “After that terrible day in September, the world suddenly seemed to be a much more dangerous place to live – because of people who are evil, and because of those who don’t do anything about it. Many of us feared what the future would hold. Here at school, we slowly came to understand that you are our future. Without knowing it, by being who you are, you restored our faith and nurtured our hope. I will always be grateful to you for that invaluable gift. I’m proud of you for the many things you have accomplished in Middle School; most of all, for your courage and your moral leadership, for making the conscious decision, again and again, to make decency, fairness, kindness, and respect your highest priority.”