Blankets of Hope - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Third Graders Offer Blankets, Hope to Cancer Survivors

In one of the most moving programs ever presented in Tagart Memorial Chapel, third graders offered messages of hope and 16 handmade fleece blankets to cancer survivors on December 1. The presentation to members of the school's cancer support group concluded the children's "Blankets of Hope" project.

Blankets weren't the only warm, fuzzy thing the children gave. Each wrote a "Dreaming of Hope" poem. Compositions from all 67 third graders were compiled into books to accompany the blankets.

Several children recited their poetry during the chapel program, including Ian K., whose mom was among support group members sitting in the first pew:

"Dreaming of Hope"

To me hope is my Mother.
Hope is my Mom battling cancer and surviving it.
Hope is love from everyone in my family.
Hope is my brother and having someone to talk to.
Hope is love that my teacher gives my Mom.
Hope is never giving up what you cannot do.
Hope is feeling sunshine on me when I wake up.
Hope is believing in what you can do.
Hope sounds like children hopping in the leaves.
Hope is waking up to a great day and seeing
kindness, respect, responsibility, honesty and service from everyone in the school.
Hope is my teacher caring for me.
Hope is my love for my Mom.

Support group members, visibly emotional after the program, were overwhelmed with gratitude to the third graders and their teachers.

Said one, "The children can't possibly realize how much cancer patients will appreciate their warm, cozy blankets and inspiring words during treatment. Hope is what we all hang on to."

The books and blankets were delivered the next day to The Red Devils, which provides services to breast cancer patients and their families.

The third graders were inspired by reading "The Shoeshine Girl" by Clyde Bulla. They responded to the book's caring, compassion, and responsibility themes. And they liked a teacher's suggestion to staff their own shoeshine stand for a good cause--to lift the spirits of breast cancer patients. The moms of three classmates have had the disease, as has a beloved teacher.

In October, the third graders offered to shine shoes for classmates, teachers, and parents. Customers came out in droves. The children earned $300 to pay for fleece, which they used to make blankets in their classrooms on November 20.

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