News & Photos - Media Hub - McDonogh School

News & Photos

CMP: Rain, Rain, Go Away

There was only one acceptable work day for grading and paving last week, thanks to all the rain. Here's the latest update:

The deceleration lane on westbound McDonogh Road will be paved as soon as the gravel dries out. Additional widening of McDonogh Road west of Woods Road will begin in about two weeks.
  • Woods Road will be closed between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Thursday, September 29 for installation of a drain line at the site of the storm water management pond.
  • The final punch list for the lower school playground and the turf field is still pending because it's been too wet to complete the final tests, but the lower school's climbing wall has been installed.
  • Two projects involving BGE are pending: installation of electric lines from the RL Center to the power plant and other areas south of RL and relocation of a transformer from a pole outside the bus shop.
  • We expect approval soon for the expansion of the dirt stockpile, which means workers can start moving dirt again.
  • The wall adjacent to the baseball field affects the completion of the field 7 parking lot. Construction will begin as soon as possible.
  • We have most of the permits we need to begin the Naylor and the St. John buildings.