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News & Photos

CMP Update: On Solid Ground Despite Rain

Fall is normally a productive time for construction projects. Fall 2011, however, has brought mild temperatures but way too much rain. So, we will resort to Plan B in order to continue site work.

Plan B involves using soil cement to prepare the ground. If there are no delays henceforth, the new roads and parking lots could be ready in early January.

Between the wet weather and compliance with County and State regulations, building construction has been delayed. Once the sediment-control issues are resolved and and the parking lots built, we hope to start the Naylor Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Building in late January. Once started, that building will take about 15 months to construct.

The likely completion date for Woods Road traffic signal project has been pushed back to summer 2012. County approval of the culvert design and its construction remain the sticking points. Mullan Contracting will order the traffic signal so it can be installed as soon as the complex infrastructure work has been completed and approved.

BGE has several campus projects to complete, the first being the electrical conduit from Lyle Building to Memorial Field House. During the winter break, we expect BGE to activate the lights on the Field 7 parking lot.

The interior designs of both buildings are being checked by the school and the architects to make sure that the construction documents accurately reflect our needs. This is a normal part of the construction process.