LS Community Service Day - News & Photos - McDonogh School

News & Photos

Adding Drops to the Bucket

More than 90 parents and lower school students came together on Saturday, April 21, for a morning of community service to decorate and fill 150 flower pots, make 300 lunches, assemble 29 lasagnas, and collate 60 craft kits for several local organizations.

“We had so much fun with our friends and McDonogh family, working to help others on this beautiful day,” said Sean, father of kindergartner Gwyneth.

Realizing it is often difficult for parents to find community service projects for elementary-aged children, first grade teacher Mary Catherine Irving coordinated family activities with several organizations. Each family signed up to participate in one of four stations at the Lower School: decorating flower pots and plants for Meals on Wheels recipients, making lasagnas for the McKim Center, packing lunches for St. Rita’s and My Sister’s Place, and assembling craft kits for Ronald McDonald House and St. Vincent's Villa.

In addition to these organizations, a group also went to the Westminster Rescue Mission, a men’s shelter, to prepare and share dinner with the residents on Saturday. Students also played basketball with the men before dinner.

“We have been using the book, Have you Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud to explain to lower school students the importance of doing good things to fill someone’s bucket with drips of water,” says Mary Catherine. “Through this analogy, students really understand the importance of helping others.”

While at the stations, students also wrote personal notes to the recipients, wishing them well. “It was amazing making so many lasagnas. I know when I leave, I will feel like a much better person,” said fourth grader Charlotte M.

After completing the activities, students and parents wrote their thoughts about the morning on raindrop-shaped pieces of paper and taped them to the wall to fill symbolically McDonogh’s bucket.

“I felt really good inside and I’m so happy that we made sandwiches for people and will fill the bucket,” wrote one participant.

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