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Alice Margraff Receives John T. Grega Teaching Chair

Director of College Counseling Alice Margraff had to deal with quite a few hugs on Tuesday, which Headmaster Charlie Britton acknowledged is not her favorite activity. Still, those hugs were well-deserved after Alice received the John T. Grega Teaching Chair, established in 2003 by Vernon Wright '61 and his wife, Lucy, along with their children, Dudley '88 and Katherine. In his remarks, Charlie lauded Alice's years of dedication and service to McDonogh, during which "many of us have come to know [her] for her fairness, equanimity, intelligence, and good humor."

Alice's accomplishments run the gamut, from a Hall of Fame career as a Hopkins lacrosse player, to working in Hopkins's admissions office, to serving on the board for Baltimore Squashwise, a non-profit organization that teaches personal and academic growth through the sport of squash. She spent many years coaching Middle School lacrosse and helped establish the McDonogh's burgeoning squash program. Above all, her greatest influence has been her twenty years in the College Counseling office, half of which she has spent as director.

Under Alice's guidance, McDonogh's College Counseling office has become "the gold standard" for independent schools. Her constant drive to improve the program has created a space in which students and their families feel comfortable finding the college that best fits them. As Charlie remarked, "She is the constant model of what should always be valued-- and that is to understand who you are and what will be the best choices you can make for yourself."

Alice's family, friends, and coworkers joined in celebrating her achievements, firmly believing that "her contributions and influence are too important to go unrecognized." McDonogh is truly grateful for her leadership and insight. If you see her, remember to give her a big hug.