First Graders Make Blankets for All Hands In - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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All Hands In

The first grade was hard at work on January 8 making fleece blankets for the homeless as part of their ongoing service project All Hands In. Under the guidance of first grade teacher MaryCatherine Irving, fifth graders Ruby J. and Laya N. applied for and received a grant from The World We Want Foundation, a microfinance organization offering loans to fund service projects. The girls have been organizing events since the beginning of the year.

So far, Ruby and Laya have worked with the first grade to provide supplies to the homeless, including trail mix and sweets, and in February they plan to put together hygiene kits. The blanket project involved cutting fringes into bolts of fleece fabric, then tying the strands together to secure the cloth. An afternoon of fun will offer warmth to those who need it and will bring joy to the hearts of the young social activists.

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