LS Receives Book Donation - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Book Donation Excites Students

Beamer is a gentle therapy dog and the main character in a series of books used to help children and their families deal with challenging life events. Beamer’s stories are the creation of Cindy Chambers, who visited McDonogh on May 16 to deliver twelve sets of the book series to the Lower School classrooms and library, as well as the Infirmary. The Beamer Book Series, including Beamer Visits the Emergency Room and Beamer Gets a New Home, were donated by McDonogh Lower School grandparents Virginia and Ard Geller.

School Nurse Erica Seaman says, “I am indeed a happy recipient of a set of the Beamer Book series. It will be very helpful in explaining to an injured student what will happen next. The books illustrate beautifully what the next step will be. It is the ultimate distraction tool, which can help calm, entertain and educate the injured student until they can reach the emergency room.”

The kindergartners were thrilled to meet the author, and they presented her with a handmade “thank you” card. To learn more about the Beamer Book series, visit

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