Utulei Sellner - Housekeeping Supervisor - About - McDonogh School

Utulei Sellner, Housekeeping Supervisor


 Photographer: Jake Maass ’25

What inspired you to work at a school?

I was inspired by the chance to make an impact, be a part of something important, and work with great people in a great environment. I also wanted to learn something new.

What do you find most rewarding about working with students/young people?

Their energy and creativity. Their laughter and having fun remind you how amazing and exciting the day can be.

Are there any memorable or impactful moments in your job or time with McDonogh that stand out to you? 

The most memorable and impactful moments are those solving problems or creating solutions. 

What are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about outside of school?

I like to travel and visit family. I also like the ocean and watching the Ravens.

What do you hope students will learn from engaging with you?

I hope they learn that no matter how big or small the job, do it with pride.

What are some of your favorite books, movies, or quotes that inspire you?

I like the quotes “learn more from failures than from success” and “learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.”

How do you recharge and find inspiration when you’re not at school?

I like to workout, spend quiet time at home, relax, and watch movies.