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McDonogh’s Own Michelangelos

Can extraordinary art be created while laying down on the job? If you are Italy’s Renaissance artist Michelangelo or Ms. Ricci's and Ms. Gans' prefirst class, the answer is “yes!”

After learning about the exemplary and diverse talents of Michelangelo, the prefirst class was most surprised to discover that his Sistine Chapel masterpiece was executed while the artist laid on his back for the better part of several years.

Do you think this would be hard? Well, the class got to put their backs where their curiosity was. They laid on the floor, under their desks and drew on paper attached to the underside.

Our young Michelangelos found the experience to be fun, hard, and dizzying at the same time. And it was agreed that no one wanted to spend years doing it…phew!

The prefirst classroom in Dudley Hall includes finished works as they have been mounted to the ceiling as our very own Sistine Chapel.