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Parents Council: Taking Responsibility as Parents

Author Wendy Mogel, Ph.D. to Speak at Bryn Mawr School

As parents find it harder than ever to uphold their own parenting principles and society grows more competitive, dangerous and materialistic, it becomes increasingly challenging not to overprotect, over schedule and overindulge our children. So how can we raise optimistic, compassionate and resourceful children who are not spoiled by the plenitude around them?

With authority, warmth, and humor, nationally acclaimed author and speaker Dr. Wendy Mogel distills ancient teachings and contemporary psychological insights into a new road map for effective and enlightened parenting. In her book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, Dr. Mogel is compelling, practical and encouraging.

Dr. Mogel will be speaking to teachers and administrators at the October 27 AIMS conference and has agreed to join PCGB and the Bryn Mawr School to share her wisdom with parents, too. Please join us on October 28 at 7:00 pm at the Bryn Mawr School to learn Dr. Mogel’s unique approach to raising confident, respectful and self-reliant children. Her presentation is sure to provide valuable wisdom to parents of children of all ages. Free and open to all.