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Seventh Graders Fast for a Great Cause

written by Claire S. '13

On April 18 and 19, my seventh grade classmates and I fasted for 30 whole hours, with the exception of having sports drinks, water, juice, and gum. You may be wondering why on earth we would do that? We were participating in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine to raise money for starving children around the world.

Even though the fast was for a great cause, many saw it as an opportunity to spend the night at school and hang out with friends. I have to admit that was one of the reasons I was doing it. But on the day of the fast, whenever my stomach would ache with hunger it reminded me of what African kids feel constantly and it made me think about the real reason I was not eating. That is what kept us all going, even at points throughout the day when we felt like giving in.

Dinnertime was especially hard. All I could think about was a big, juicy burger. Fortunately, the teachers had planned some activities to keep our minds off of those lingering images of food. We played cards, took a twilight walk around campus, watched a movie, and had a talent show (including teachers). Ms. Richardson even held a yoga class!

The sleep over took place in the Middle School library. We all fell asleep pretty easily because we were tired, out of energy from the lack of food, and really looking forward to waking up and having bagels. When morning finally came and the fast was over, we were all so happy that we made it. The experience helped us understand what it really feels like to be hungry and appreciate how fortunate we are to have plenty of food.

Forty-five seventh grade students plus a couple brave teachers slept over and did the entire 30-hour fast, and 36 others fasted for a fraction of the time. Some students, who couldn’t fast for health reasons, sponsored classmates that were fasting. In total, 85 students were involved in some way or another, and we raised over $2000 to help fight world hunger.