Sophomore Oratory Contest - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Sophomores Shine in Oratory Competition

Five sophomores and a classmate delivered compelling, original orations at the annual Sophomore Oratory Contest in the Ceres Horn Theatre on May 13. Speakers included Candice H., Josh J., Lexi G., Sam R., and Tommy S. The master of ceremonies was Austin B.

Once called "the crown jewel of the spring term" by English teacher and contest director John Van Meter, the oratory competition starts in March. Students choose and research a controversial topic. Through April, they develop and convert their arguments into persuasive, six-minute speeches. Students may refer to notes when they deliver their oratories but are encouraged to memorize as much as possible.

Each English class then chooses an orator to advance to the semifinals. During the semifinal rounds, three judges evaluate the 15 classroom winners on the quality of their arguments and delivery. The five finalists and master of ceremonies are chosen from that group. They present to the entire Upper School.

Those who also advanced to the semifinals included: Bridget B., Ben E., Robbie G., Heather H., Ally L. Olivia M. Aime P., MaryJoe R., and Jasmine R.

The winner and runner-up are announced at the Headmaster's Day awards ceremony.

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