Students Host Diversity Conference - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Students Host Diversity Conference

On Wednesday, February 11, approximately 55 upper school students from area independent schools attended "Beyond Black and White," a conference hosted by D4M (McDonogh for Diversity). The purpose of the full-day meeting was to expand knowledge of diversity and teach participants how to lead diversity programs at their own schools.

The day began with a keynote address by Dot Smallwood, mother of D4M member Victoria '09. Smallwood talked to students about overcoming diversity in any area of life through motivation and support. She shared what she calls "The Six G's" (generation, gender, grade, graduate, good 'ole boy, and government) and how they play a role in diversity issues.

Following the opening remarks, students broke into small groups where they participated in activities and discussed topics such as stereotypes, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, and family structure to name a few. "Our goal of sparking discussion and debate was achieved," said conference facilitator Natalie F. '09.

A highlight for students was an activity called "Disagree or Agree." Posters with the words agree and disagree hung on opposite walls in the gym. When a statement was read, students had to silently walk to the side of the room that reflected their opinion. Some ended up in the middle. "Watching people move up and down the spectrum as their ideas changed was surprising and it affirmed that we were getting through to them," shared conference facilitator Javon M. '10.

After lunch, everyone joined together for an activity called "Fish Bowl." Students formed a large circle with two layers. The inner circle was presented with a discussion topic. Once the group had shared their thoughts they switched places with the outer circle, which was then presented with another talking point. The rotation continued several times. D4M member Laura O '12 recalled a poignant conversation about equal rights for women and if they should be included in military drafts.

The conference concluded with three special presentations. Poets Jade W. '11 and Jasmine R. '11 each read one of their inspirational poems, and Jasmine P. '12, Marcus R. '11, Laura O. 12, and Nancy H. '12 performed a dance to "Conga" by Gloria Estefan.

Over all, the diversity group was very pleased with the event. Laura said, "It was very thought provoking and it really made you look above the petty day-to-day things and examine how the way we live our lives effects our local communities and the global community. Javon agreed, "We got people thinking about global issues, local issues, and issues within their schools."

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