Little Eagles Help Homeless - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Little Eagles Help Homeless

On Tuesday, February 10, first graders filled nearly 200 bags with personal hygiene items for homeless people in Baltimore and Westminster as part of "Little Eagles Care," an ongoing effort in the Lower School to involve students in meaningful community service projects. The children also created Valentine's Day cards with special messages and tied them to the bags with ribbon.

While students were lining up to fill the bags, first grade teacher MaryCatherine Irving asked students why they were doing this project. Katie H. said, "We want to show how much we care about people who have nothing." Lindsey H. added, "We don't even know the people that we are sending the bags to, but we are doing it to be nice."

First grade families donated a portion of the toiletries, and some were purchased with money that the children received for doing chores at home Students stored their earnings in "Yes We Can" cups that they made in class on Inauguration Day. When they brought the change to school it was poured into a big jug in the first grade hallway. "The students really enjoyed watching the jug fill up," said Irving.

At the end of the day, 192 bags filled with love and necessities were delivered to the Westminster Rescue Mission, Helping-Up Mission in Baltimore, and Loaves and Fish, an organization in Baltimore that will deliver the bags to people on the streets.

This was the second community service project for first graders this year. In the fall students picked hundreds of bushels of apples at First Fruits Farm and donated them to the Westminster shelter.

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