Legacy Campaign - We Did It! - Giving - McDonogh School

Legacy Campaign - We Did It!



The Legacy Campaign — which closed on June 30, 2024 — was the largest capital campaign completed by McDonogh School, raising $96.6 million for the School’s three priorities and special projects

  • $25.6 million for the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Middle School
  • $43.8 million for endowment
  • $20.2 million added to the McDonogh Fund
  • $7 million for special projects and unrestricted support

We are forever grateful to the more than 6,100 parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who contributed to the campaign’s remarkable success.

There is no doubt that McDonogh is positioned to build on its foundation of excellence and provide the best possible educational experience for years to come. 

A full campaign impact report with donor lists will be available in the fall.