Endowment Giving - Giving - McDonogh School

Endowment Giving

Preserving McDonogh's Mission

McDonogh’s endowment functions as a vital financial foundation, supporting the School's long-term stability and growth. It provides a steady stream of income to fund financial aid (formerly known as scholarship), enhance academic programs, maintain facilities, and attract top-tier faculty. By ensuring a reliable source of revenue, the endowment helps preserve McDonogh’s mission and values, offering students an exceptional educational experience while fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.

For more information, please contact Pat Muth, Senior Director of Philanthropy for Capital Programs, at 443-544-7056 or pmuth@mcdonogh.org.

Endowment Investment Opportunities

Named Scholarship Funds 

McDonogh provides $7.1M+ per year in financial aid and scholarship. An endowment of $160M will fund this initiative in perpetuity.

  • Full Scholarship (Boarding): $800,000
  • Full Scholarship (Day): $600,000
  • Partial Scholarship: $100,000

Named Scholarships
150th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship
Adams-Rodgers Scholarship for Diversity in Lower School
Alban Family Scholarship
Albert Atwood Fund
Albert F. Heck, MD 1950 Scholarship
Albertus E. and Ethel L. Myers Scholarship Fund
Alec John Cosgarea 2013 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alexandra Apostolou 2001 "Raising Strong Women" Scholarship
Alfred G. Neal Trust
Armstrong Family Scholarship Fund
Baldwin Neale Boone Scholarship Fund
Bavar Family Scholarship
Bias Family Scholarship
Black Alumni Scholarship
Bolduc Family Scholarship
Brand Family Scholarship
Bruce D. Voelker 1983 Scholarship
Bruce Peddy Memorial
C. E. Crowley Memorial Fund
C. Markland Kelly, Jr. 1938 Scholarship
C. Willis Ritter 1958 Scholars Fund
Carolyn Rosenstein Scholarship
Cecil Chavannes Scholarship Fund
Charles Moran Memorial Scholarship Fund
Christine N. Alexander Family Scholarship Fund
Clarence E. Elderkin Scholarship
Class 1938 Scholarship Endowment
Class 1941 Scholarship Endowment
Class 1942 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1937 Scholarship
Class of 1949 Endowed Scholarship
Class of 1963 Scholarship
Class of 1964 Scholarship
Class of 1965 Scholarship
Class of 1966 Scholarship
Class of 1967 Scholarship
Class of 1970 Scholarship
Class of 1971 Scholarship
Class of 1974 Scholarship
Class of 1976 Howard S. Klein Scholarship
Claude and Hedwig Koppisch Endowed Scholarship
Colonna Family Scholarship
Cowman Memorial Scholarship
Dalsheimer Scholarship Fund
Danielsen Fund
Desmond Corcoran Scholarship
Donald F. 1940 and Carolyn S. Obrecht Scholarship
Edward E. Brittingham Scholarship Fund
Edward Sudsburg, Class 1912 Scholarship
Eileen Flynn Toohey 1977 Scholarship
Elsie Stewart Kerr Scholarship
Emilie Humbert Mules and William Curran Mules 1959 Scholarship
Emma Krauss Scholarship
Erwood Richardson Sparks and Clara Howard Keilholtz Sparks Memorial Fund
F.C. Nelson 1940 Scholarship
France-Merrick Scholarship
Friel Family Scholarship
G. M. Moore 1909 Estate
Geist Family Scholarship
George Gebelein 1960 Scholarship
George H. Pappas 1937 Scholarship
Grafton Lloyd Rogers Scholarship
H. Beale & Mary E. Rollins Scholarship
Hilda Lewis Roche and Norbert Roche 1931 Scholarship
Howard and Julia Persky Scholarship
Hudson Family Scholarship
Hyman P. and J. Ruth Friedman Scholarship
Irvin S. Naylor 1954 Family Athletic and Scholarship Fund
J. Mortimer Joyce 1921 and John M. Joyce, Jr. 1961 Scholarship
Jacob C. and Theodora N. Siegrist Scholarship Fund
Jacob Gross, Jr. Scholarship
James A. Lenfesty
James R. Haws 1960 and Catherine A. McCoy Scholarship
Janet Mariani Herbert 1983 Scholarship
Jeffrey M. Sanborn Scholarship
Jodi Spear Memorial Scholarship
Johannesen Fund
John A. Finney Bequest
John E. "Ted" Savage, Jr. 1957 Scholarship
John Edward Bird Scholarship
John McDonogh Fund
John S. Mediary Fund
John Sterling Price Scholarship
John W. Sieverts 1963 Scholarship
Jon Charles Sapp Scholarship Fund
Joseph S. Keelty 1940 Middle Income Scholarship
Joseph S. Keelty 1940 Scholarship
Judy and James P. Grant III Scholarship Fund
Kallins Family Scholarship
Katherine and J. Sturgis Wells 1924 Scholarship
Kirk Family Foundation Scholarship
Knowles Family Scholarship
Kolscher Scholarship
Laszlo N. Tauber Family Scholarship
Leah Watts Dawson Scholarship
Louis 1929 and Marie Deise Scholarship
Louis E. Lamborn Scholarship
Lynn Ritter McKain Memorial Scholarship
Marbury Councell Scholarship
Margaret and Robert Briele and Jack C. Merriman 1940 Scholarship
Margaret M. and Richard N. Wills Scholarship
Margaret M. Callanan Scholarship
Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Family Scholarship
Martin Trust
Mary Martin Kreiner and Pannill Martin Scholarship
McDonogh Abroad Scholarship
McDonogh Alumni Scholarship
McDonogh Foundations Program
Myerberg Scholarship
Nancy A. and Raymond M. Faby 1949 Faby Family Scholarship
Olivia D. Grant Scholarship
Osborne Family Middle Income Scholarship
Oscar Ross Scholarship
Pannill & Irene Martin Scholarship
Patricia A. and John T. Grega Scholarship
Patricia C. and Francis S. Carnes 1954 Scholarship
Paul A. Friedman 1960 Scholarship
Paul Hampshire Memorial Scholarship
Reynolds Family Lower School Scholarship
Richard S. Catterton 1963 and Betty Shipley Catterton Scholarship
Robert Cook Memorial Fund
Robert Cummins Rogers, Sr. 1933 and Mary Childs Rogers Scholarship
Robert E. Seigman 1964 Memorial Scholarship
Robert Eric Farmer 1981 Memorial Scholarship
Robert M. Harper Scholarship
Rothschild Family Scholarship
Ruth Flora and Charles Roland Meurer Scholarship
Samuel H. Wright 1964 Family Scholarship
Silberstein Family Scholarship
Stacey Boyer 1976 Scholarship
T. Patrick Dulany 1975 Scholarship
Theodore & Dolores Scocos Scholarship Fund
Theresa Prell Dilworth Memorial Scholarship
Thomas D. Thiermann Scholarship Fund
Vicki 1999 and Jon 2004 Brick Scholarship
W. R. McKeldin Estate
Walter L. McManus, Jr. 1960 Family Scholarship
Warren Olt Scholarship
Weikart Family Scholarship
Wilgis Family Scholarship
William H. Emory of A and Martha B. Emory Scholarship
William Littell Hauver 2011 Scholarship
Willis Langford Fund II
Willis Langford Scholarship Fund

Funds for Our Faculty 

In FY22, McDonogh allocated $32M+ to salaries and benefits for our faculty and staff. This investment represents approximately 72% of the annual budget.

  • Named Fund: $100,000

Named Faculty Support Funds
A. Ogden Ramsay Faculty Support Fund
Brown/Adler Family Fund
Ceres M. Horn Fund for Excellence
Christine N. Alexander Faculty Fund
Class of 1956 Faculty and Staff Excellence Fund
Clayton Environment Science Faculty Fund
Dopkin Family STEM Fund for Education of Girls
Dr. Thomas R. Boggs Salary Endowment for Junior Instructors
E. E. Ford Foundation Conference
E. E. Ford Foundation Faculty Salaries US
Ellen Finkelstein Grant for Faculty Excellence
Faculty Salary Fund
Faculty Salary/Loans
Grace & Luke Kao Endowment
H. Beale & Mary E. Rollins Faculty Salaries (Formerly Known as Fund B)
Hampshire Faculty Enrichment
John H. Rogers, Jr. 1945 Foreign Language Fund for Faculty Enrichment
John W. Wood III Faculty Development Fund
Judson Dimling Memorial Fund
Kerry and Donna Hill Staton Fund
Klaff Fund
Mathematics Chair
Middelton Faculty Salary
Mina R. Wender Professional Development Fund for Math and Science
Paul Carre Chair
Professional Development Endowment
Robert E Tashjian 1963 Faculty Enrichment Fund
Robert L. Lamborn 1935 Faculty Development Fund
Roger L. Foster 1959 and Elizabeth H. Foster Professional Development Fund
S. Eric White 2004 Professional Development Endowment
Tim Nicolai Memorial Fund for Faculty Salary Endowment
Unrestricted Fund for Faculty Salary and Enrichment

McDonogh Family Tuition Funds 

McDonogh provides $4.1M+ per year in tuition remission to employees. An endowment of $100M will fund this initiative in perpetuity.

  • Named Fund: $100,000

Family Tuition Funds
Richard D. Kidwell 1965 Faculty Tuition Fund
J.H. Birdsall Fund for Tuition Remission
Libet Ottinger Endowment for Tuition Remission
Ottinger Family Scholarship

Named Faculty Awards 

McDonogh recognizes our faculty for the discipline of their scholarship, the depth of their convictions, and the strength of their compassion.

  • Distinguished Teaching Chair: $1,000,000 
  • Teaching Chair: $500,000 

Established Chairs 
Class of 1952 Charles C. Kinard, Sr. Distinguished Teaching Chair
Douglas M. Kolodny, PhD '70 Distinguished Teaching Chair
Howard C. "Dutch" Eyth Teaching Chair
John T. Grega Chair
Louis E. "Doc" Lamborn Distinguished Teaching Chair
Paul E. Smith Teaching Chair
Raymond B. Oliver 1940 Teaching Chair
Rollins-Luetkemeyer Teaching Chair
Susan Hillis Newton Teaching Chair
Thomas R. Harper 1963 Teaching Chair
W. Wright Abbot IV Distinguished Teaching Chair

Key Program Funds

These named endowed funds provide vital, long-term support for a variety of initiatives, including student awards, campus preservation, and specific academic disciplines, ensuring lasting impact across all areas of the school.

Naming Opportunities:

  • Academic Subject - $100,000
  • Arts - $100,000
  • Athletics - $100,000
  • Campus Preservation - $100,0000
  • Faculty Professional Development - $100,000
  • Innovation - $100,000
  • Roots Curriculum - $100,000
  • Student Life - $100,000
  • Technology Fund - $100,000

A. Ludlam Michaux, Jr. Award
Aaron Stackhouse Fund for Archives
Albert Lutz Fund
Alvin Chilcoat Estate
Alvin S. Chilcoat Award
Arthur Wallenhorst Fund
Brandon C. Wilson 1989 Award
Campus Preservation Endowment
Captain William P. ("Billy") Cole, III, Memorial Trophy
Charles C. Kinard, Sr. Excellence in English Award
Charles H. Grace Memorial
Charles McComas, Estate
Charles W. Britton Director of Character and Service Endowment
Clarence A. Burck Fund
Class of 1940 Award
Dr. A. P. Sharp Fund
Dr. Bonnie C. Berman 1987 Memorial Student Fund
Dr. Herbert E. Wilgis Award
Dr. Zenus Barnum Fund
Dunloggin Medical Scholarships
Dunning Memorial
Edward Netre Fund
Edwin H Collins Estate
Elizabeth Flick Memorial
Escrow Foundation
Francis L. Fenwick 1968 Award
Frank P. Stewart 1906
Frank Rech Estate
Gary 1958 and Peter Dimling 1963 Award
George C. Thomas, Class of 1888, Award
Gerald Wilson Memorial
German H. Hunt Fund
Gordon B. Shelton 1964 Science Fund IHO A. Ogden "Bugs" Ramsay
Greatest Good McDonogh Fund of School
Huether-McClelland Foundation Middle School Innovation Fund
Hunt-Chimes Fund
Irv Naylor Courage Award
J. Gordon Widener 1953 Athletic Award
Jan and Bill Brown Family Roots Farm Fund
Jean Wagner Lamborn Fund
Jill Bearman Memorial Fund
JMG Fine Arts Endowment
John G. 1963 and Robert N. McCormick Fund
John J. Foster Estate
John Wesley Johnson Memorial
Joseph Lester Barber Fund
Judson Gary Dimling, Jr. and Peter Goodman Dimling Memorial Endowment
Leah Watts Dawson Award Fund
Lloyd E. Mitchell Fund
Marion Sparks Prize
Memorial Court Maintenance/Preservation Fund
Minnie W. Power Estate
Mothers Memorials - Rollins
Myers Fund Endowment
Nagle Family Technology Fund
Oldewurtel-Ilioff Family Fund for Computer Science & Engineering
Paul Spies Award
Richard Coblentz Award
Richard G. Carter, III, 1973 Memorial Fund
Robert L. Lamborn Testimonial Fund for Cultural Affairs
Roger L. Foster 1959 and Elizabeth H. Foster Riding Fund
Rollins Chapel/Carillon
Rollins-Luetkemeyer Head of School Fund
Rollins-Luetkemeyer Leaders Scholarship Fund
S. Page Nelson, Jr. Award
Salvatore Boccuti Memorial Fund
Second Century of Advance
Shawe-Ramsey Endowment to Allan Debating Society
Shirley Klein Journalism Scholarship Award
Simon Minkove Debate Award
Sparks-Dimling Award
Stasha Gibbs and Sara Beach Middle School Library Fund
Stewart Senior Honors Recital Fund
T. Burch Athey Fund
Thomas and Cathryne Everett Science Fund
Uhrbrock Memorial
Virginia T. Campbell Fund
W. Taylor Cook Memorial Fund
Whiting/Moore Reference Collection in American History
William C. Mules 1959 Leadership in Women's Athletics Award
William H. Harding Fund
Wiltonwood Fund

Greatest Good McDonogh

Foster philanthropic and social innovation abilities in students. 

  • Named Fund: $100,000

Learn about the program.

Equity and Inclusion Fund 

Support McDonogh's journey of action, reflection, and recommitment. 

  • Named Fund: $100,000 

Learn about our programming.

Donors Making an Impact: Read Their Stories

Paula and Michael Koppisch ’60

Endowed Scholarship

Bruce Voelker '83

Endowed Scholarship

Lynne and Victor Brick

Endowed Scholarship

Meet the Team

Kerry Johnston

Chief Philanthropy Officer


Pat Muth

Sr. Director of Philanthropy for Capital Programs


Beth Sauer Hopkins '02

Director of Planned Giving
