Fourth Grade Explains Why - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Fourth Grade Plays Explain Why

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It all began with the simple question, “why?” As part of the fourth grade study of Greek mythology, McDonogh School students wrote imaginative stories to explain what they considered to be the wonders of the world. After careful consideration, each fourth grade class chose two of the students’ stories to produce into eight short skits, complete with handmade plaster masks and costumes. On Tuesday, November 23, the McDonogh School fourth graders performed their “pourquois” (the French term for the word why) for their classmates, parents and grandparents as they explained why porcupines have quills. . .why wolves howl at the moon. . .why we have may flowers. . .why bunnies have long ears. . .why oak trees stand so tall. . .why we have television.

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