Multicultural Evening - News & Photos - McDonogh School

News & Photos

Multicultural event is out of this world

McDonogh Patrons organized the annual event to highlight diverse student talents, introduce the music, dance, and cuisine of different cultures, and bring parents and children together for a celebration. Harry Holt chaired the event, and faculty member Sage Damico organized the program.

The real stars were the students, whose impressive talents reflected pride in their heritage. They choreographed and performed Indian, African, Spanish, Middle Eastern, and Irish dances, played the Scottish bagpipes, sang in Japanese and French, and staged a colorful, flag-waving parade of nations.

The intense afternoon heat didn't prevent the celebration from continuing in the dining hall. Guests had an array of international cuisine from which to chose, including crepes that students and teachers made to order. The jazz band and an African instrumental band provided live music, while students in the Spanish Club led salsa dancing.

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