Middle School Science Fair - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Sixth-Graders Shine in Science Fair

What do batteries, tennis balls, laundry detergents, and stomp rockets all have in common? For 6th grade McDonogh students, they are just a sampling of the items tested in experiments for the third annual middle school science fair held November 21 and 22.

The students, smartly dressed in their school blazers, looked like professionals as they stood next to carefully designed display boards and proudly explained their projects to their families on a rainy Monday evening and then to their fellow students the following day. For some, their research confirmed their hypotheses. For others, their inquiries taught them the unpredictability of scientific projects.

“I am very proud of the students’ work. During the past 12 weeks, they have learned hands-on about the scientific method by performing their experiments, doing extensive research and writing up their reports on a variety of  topics,” said Margaret Bitz, one of the sixth grade science teachers.

“As you can see by their display boards, they have truly demonstrated that they have discovered a lot about their subjects and put forth tremendous effort during class time to attractively present their findings. Most students find a huge sense of accomplishment after completing this unit of study. This is part of the science curriculum that the students will use for many years to come,” Mrs. Bitz said.

Although some of the students actually enjoyed being in the limelight as a culmination of their hours of science project preparation, for many of the sixth graders, completing the actual presentation of their projects was a relief. After answering countless questions from parents and current fifth graders about their experiments, they could be seen giving each other high-fives and pats on the back for jobs well done.

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