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Tonight's Show is Sold Out!

What do the office of student council president and "Richard III" have in common? Nothing. At least, that's how it seems at William Howard Taft High School as elections get underway, with unopposed incumbent Tad seemingly a shoe-in. When he seems more interested in the inaugural party than the responsibilities of the office, his girlfriend, Bridget, decides to wake him up. That's how it starts, anyway.

What follows is a series of tricks, schemes, spies and disguises to infiltrate the enemy camp. And where do the students get some of their ideas for these back room shenanigans? From Mr. Clovis's production of "Richard III," that's where.

It's the old war between the men and the women in this farcical high school political send-up with hilarious consequences. Jason keeps switching sides, Bunny uses the intercom for political ads, and the vice-principal is about to have a nervous breakdown. However, Tucker and Daryl decide it's time for the men to make their move. And they take action dressed as women!